Benefits of wooden puzzles
Do you know that children can enjoy since they are very small by assembling wooden puzzles?
Children spend hours and hours playing, inventing, building with blocks or assembling wooden puzzles, the ones that they usually like the most are animals, because they are super nice. On the one hand, children have fun and can unleash their imagination and on the other hand, it helps to develop their spatial skills.
It is essential for children, that they dedicate part of their leisure time to assembling puzzles, as it has many important benefits for them and their growth.
You can choose your favorite wooden puzzle from our collections, either our Wooden Magical Animal Collection or our Van Gogh’s Wooden Puzzles Collection.
First of all, we find the cognitive benefits, which help to work organization, concentration and perception.
On the other hand, the physical benefits, a child needs to control the use of his hand and therefore motor coordination, which is totally related to the development of the "pinch", that is, to hold something small between the thumb and the index finger of his hand. And it is the improvement of psychomotor development, they need to pick up the pieces and place them in the right place, which trains children to do the pinch with their index fingers and thumb and stimulates hand-eye coordination.
In addition to emotional benefits, when a child completes a puzzle, which has taken time and effort, he feels admiration and appreciation for achieving it. It also improves family relationships, because leisure time is shared with the little ones and helps them to stimulate attachment and affection.
Without forgetting the improvement of visual memory, because children have to place a lot of pieces to copy an image and in this way, they fix the model on their retina. When they mentally assemble the puzzles, you will have to move on to another that involves a greater difficulty. It also stimulates spatial and mathematical skills, since children need to distinguish the different planes in which different objects are located at a close, medium or far distance.
Continuing with the development of concentration, since it is great for children who are impatient, because it will help them to concentrate and especially, self-control and reflection, because they need to be sure to put a piece and fit.
And finally, problem-solving training, because they need to observe the size of the pieces and the space available to put it or, they only need one piece of a single color out of five.
Other reasons are tolerance to difficult situations, improvement of logic, overcoming challenges, reinforcing family relationships and socialization, if these moments are shared and can help prevent the development of memory loss in the future.
Do you know beneficial it could become for your children to assemble wooden puzzles?
Puzzles are wonderful entertainment for children and it is very important for their motor skills. You will wonder how old they are able to start, between 12 and 18 months it is already totally feasible. But if you ask yourself the following questions, you will answer yourself. Are they able to grasp things? Are they able to use the “pinch”? Are they able to distinguish shapes? If you have answered yes to all of them, your child is ready to enter the wonderful world of puzzles.
We recommend that the first puzzle is a wooden puzzle with large peg pieces, so that is easier to grasp. You can go up the level of difficulty little by little and from 6 years old, they are able to identify and classify the pieces. They are already able to work out their own strategies and can put more than 100 pieces puzzles.
Finally, we remind you that we have launched our Wooden Animal Puzzles Collection and our Van Gogh’s Collection, which you will love.
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What are you waiting for to start assembling a puzzle? Get your favorite wooden puzzle now.