7 Ways to Increase IQ Level & Boost Short-Term Memory
Take an IQ exam, and you'll find out how smart you are. Wrong. In reality, intellect is significantly more fluid than previously imagined, and your brain is far more elastic than once thought rigid.Adults' IQs can fluctuate in both directions, according to neuroscientists. This article will tell you some tricks on how to Improve IQ Levels.
What is an IQ?
Comparing one's cognitive talents to one's peers is called IQ or intelligence quotient. Using an IQ test to determine intellect is not as simple as you assume.
An IQ test can measure a person's general capacity to solve problems and comprehend concepts, although it is not an absolute indicator of intelligence. Many professionals consider IQ testing problematic because of the inherent biases in the exams that penalize certain ethnicities.
How to calculate IQ?
The following are some examples of the most popular types of tests:
- Cognitive Assessment System
- Differential Ability Scales
- Kaufman Tests
- Reynolds Intellectual Ability Scales
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- Wechsler Intelligence Scales
- Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities
How to Improve IQ Level?
Playing Chess
In addition to being played by royalty for centuries, chess has many other appeals. Complex and challenging, it increases problem-solving and concentration abilities and stimulates both sides of the brain, strengthening the corpus callosum.
One of the theories about Einstein's genius is that the corpus callosum, the region of the brain that links the two hemispheres, was unusually well-developed. He could access his brain's functions simultaneously, rather than just one or the other.
Research out of Venezuela found that kids who attended chess lessons for 14 weeks significantly increased their IQ. Study participants who played chess showed enhanced IQ scores in 2003 from Flinders University in Australia.
Puzzles are a terrific technique to boost short-term memory since they strengthen the connections between our brain cells and create new ones. When putting together a jigsaw puzzle, we rely on memory to recall individual pieces' forms, sizes, and placements. In people living with Alzheimer’s, new brain connections have been proven to minimize brain damage. Maps puzzles have also been seen as effective in many cases.
Try making Sprints
According to the study, aerobic exercise's positive effects on the brain are impossible to refute. Working out at the gym is superior to solving brain teasers on the internet regarding increasing your intelligence level.
A study conducted in Sweden found that participants who engaged in cardiovascular activity had a 50 percent boost in their verbal IQ.
According to Maria Aberg, who was the primary investigator of this study, "Better cognitive scores were connected to higher levels of cardiovascular fitness."
The correlation between muscular strength and IQ was relatively minimal in determining intellect. Sprinting is a much more effective method to improve your intelligence than simply lifting weights.
Learning New Language
According to the findings of various scientific studies, picking up a new language can lead your brain to enlarge. Your cortex becomes thicker, and your hippocampus becomes more expensive due to learning a new set of rules (such as grammar that is different from what you are accustomed to).
This means, to put it in the most straightforward words possible, that the language centers in your brain grow, increasing your capacity to execute tasks such as reading, negotiating, and problem-solving.
Numerous studies have shown that even twenty minutes a day of meditation can improve your mood and stress levels while increasing your ability to perform deep cognitive processing. In addition to being a key component of fluid intelligence, this can help you build the ability to be an original thinker.
Instead of 20 minutes of Facebook surfing, use an app like Calm or HeadSpace to meditate for the same amount of time. You'll increase your intelligence and gain nothing by making a move.
Read in 90-day knowledge
People show interest in a topic but quickly lose it and go on to something else. However, persistence is the most critical factor in expanding one's knowledge base and developing one's ability for efficient learning.
You are less interested in reading just one book on the topic than several books on the same subject. Because of this, you will acquire the ability to recognize patterns.
Why devote an entire quarter of a year to studying just one topic?
The time required to create a positive habit successfully is frequently measured in days, such as 21 days, 66 days, and so on.
According to the research that Richard Wiseman conducted for his book "59 Seconds," he believes that the most accurate amount of time is ninety days.
You can strengthen your comprehension of a topic and learn a significant amount about it by participating in a reading challenge that lasts for ninety days.
Reading for comprehension will eventually become routine if you get into the habit of doing it. As you can recognize patterns, it will be much simpler to connect the dots in the future when you've gained this capability.
Learning Musical Instruments
They have demonstrated that they are superior at discerning individual details despite background noise. Reading with a specific goal in mind is likely the best method to enhance your pattern recognition skills if that's something you want to work on.
Musicians are well-equipped to deal with a diverse array of acoustic input as a consequence of the substantial training that they receive. It's almost as if they can change sounds in their thoughts.
Isn't this the best there is? Musicians can speak with one another on a level that is qualitatively different from the level of communication that is possible between people who are not musicians.
It is essential to remember that intelligence is not the same as having more knowledge than others. Keeping your mind busy, having the ability to overcome obstacles, and growing your knowledge base are all essential.
Being curious and following the advice given above may allow you to increase both the health of your brain and the level of intelligence you possess over time.