Monitize Art Work

If you are a designer or illustrator, and you have a huge number of followers in platforms like Etsy, Pinterest or Instagram, we can help you monetizing your designs. Active Puzzles offers the production of tailored puzzles for artists who want to see their works of art turned into a puzzle to decorate interior spaces, meeting rooms or work offices.

In our experience, we have already collaborated with several international artists, such as the illustrator specialized in the Van Gogh style called Alireza Karimi Moghadam, who has 150,000 followers on Instagram and has already managed to monetize his art through one of our best selling puzzles.

contacto for artist and illustrators instagram

If you are an illustrator, designer or painter and you want to sell your designs in your online store or social networks, get in touch with us. Sizes, figures and packaging can be delivered adjusted to your needs.

van gogh puzzle tailored artwork by active puzzles

We are open to different collaboration models according to the needs of the clients, from the total transfer of the puzzles to the artists once they are manufactured or agreements in which Active Puzzles also contributes to the marketing efforts.
